Empowering Young Adults with Autism


Emily, a 24-year-old young adult with Autism, lives at home with her parents in Leicester. Her condition primarily affects her social communication and interaction, making it challenging for her to engage in everyday activities independently. Despite these challenges, Emily enjoys outdoor activities, particularly swimming and exploring new places. Her family sought additional support to help her develop more independence and safely participate in her favourite activities. They approached U&I Care, renowned for providing personalised and holistic care services with carers who have nursing backgrounds.

Client’s Needs and Care Objectives

Emily’s parents highlighted several key objectives for her care plan:

  • Independence in Social Settings: Emily struggled with social anxiety, particularly in crowded spaces. Her parents wanted her to build confidence in public settings.
  • Engagement in Physical Activities: Emily enjoys swimming and going for walks but requires supervision and support to participate safely.
  • Community Integration: The family hoped that Emily could become more involved in her community through regular outings.
  • Consistent Routine: Establishing a predictable routine was crucial to help Emily manage her anxiety and feel secure.

Tailored Care Plan

After a thorough assessment, U&I Care developed a bespoke care plan that matched Emily with two highly trained carers who specialised in supporting young adults with Autism. The care plan included:

  • Scheduled Outings: Emily would have outings three times a week, with each carer alternating their support to maintain consistency and build trust. These outings were designed to gradually introduce her to different environments, such as taking the bus, visiting local parks, and engaging in recreational activities like swimming.
  • Public Transport Training: The carers helped Emily navigate public transport, a critical skill for fostering independence. They began with short, quiet bus rides, gradually increasing the duration and complexity as Emily became more comfortable.
  • Physical Activity and Swimming: Understanding Emily’s love for swimming, one carer would accompany her to a nearby swimming pool twice a week. The sessions not only catered to her physical well-being but also served as a therapeutic activity that helped reduce her anxiety.
  • Building Social Skills: The carers used each outing as an opportunity to help Emily practice social interactions. This involved simple tasks such as purchasing tickets or ordering food, which were broken down into manageable steps to ensure she felt confident and supported.

Implementation and Outcomes

The care plan was implemented with close collaboration between Emily’s family, her carers, and the U&I Care team. The carers were instrumental in adjusting the care plan as needed, based on Emily’s responses to different activities. For instance, after noticing her discomfort in crowded buses, the carers adapted by choosing off-peak travel times to ensure a calmer environment.

Progress and Positive Impact

Over six months, Emily made significant progress:

  • Increased Independence: Emily became more confident in using public transport. She can now take the bus with minimal assistance, marking a major milestone in her journey toward independence.
  • Enhanced Physical Health: Regular swimming sessions have improved Emily’s physical health and contributed positively to her mental well-being, providing a structured and enjoyable outlet for her energy.
  • Social Engagement: Emily has shown noticeable improvements in her social interactions. She can now communicate her needs more effectively during outings, and her anxiety in public spaces has markedly decreased.
  • Routine and Stability: The consistent routine established by the carers has greatly benefited Emily. She anticipates her outings with enthusiasm, and the predictability has helped reduce her anxiety levels.


This case study exemplifies U&I Care’s commitment to delivering personalised, compassionate care that enhances the well-being and independence of individuals with unique needs. By providing tailored support, Emily has achieved remarkable progress, enabling her to lead a more fulfilling and independent life within her community.

This holistic approach, rooted in understanding and patience, underscores the ethos of U&I Care, ensuring that every client receives the highest quality of care that aligns with their personal goals and preferences. Contact us for more information on autism.

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